Personal Finance Daily: The most boring videos on TikTok could save you thousands of dollars, and here’s what you can do to help people who are homeless this holiday season

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TGIF, MarketWatchers. Don’t miss these top stories:

Personal Finance
Here’s what you can do to help people who are homeless this holiday season (and what NOT to do)

A global ‘Sleep Out’ on Saturday will raise awareness and funds to combat homelessness.

There’s been a disturbing rise in cellphone injuries over the past 20 years

‘Now people are literally just staring at their screens as they’re walking down Park Avenue.’

The most boring videos on TikTok could save you thousands of dollars

The video-sharing app TikTok is full of silly lip-synch videos, but it also has several accounts devoted to money and budgeting tips.

My stepmother told me she wasn’t required to file my father’s will — then she left his house, cars and investments to her kids

‘Her adult children gave me a box of my father’s old family photographs they found in storage.’

Waiting for your Equifax settlement cash? Don’t hold your breath

There have been over 4.5 million claims for money in the aftermath of the breach, according to new court filings.

Weekend reads: A warm retirement on modest income

Also, stock-market momentum and picks, and how to save a lot of money watching TikTok.

Read this before you panic about a global coffee shortage

The International Coffee Organization predicted worldwide coffee consumption would exceed production by 502,000 60-kilogram bags next year.

Fewer Americans are donating to charity — and it may have nothing to do with money

Some 20 million fewer households donate to charity than they did two decades ago.

Here’s how to prevent ‘porch pirates’ this holiday season

Some 58% of victims plan to change their online-shopping habits during the holidays because of package-theft risk.

The Federal Reserve wants make it easier to approve personal loans

‘The agencies recognize that use of alternative data may improve the speed and accuracy of credit decisions,’ they said in a joint statement.

Elsewhere on MarketWatch
Climate change protesters disrupt D.C. rush-hour traffic

Demonstrations calling for the World Bank to stop supporting fossil-fuel projects resulted in the closure of several streets in the heart of downtown Washington on Friday.

Blue scrub vs. blue collar jobs? No contest. Health care growing much faster than manufacturing

The men and women in blue scrubs are winning out over the folks with blue collars in the U.S jobs market.

October consumer credit expands at second strongest monthly rate this year

Consumer credit rose a larger-than-expected $18.9 billion in October, the second highest monthly rate this year, the Federal Reserve said Friday.

Biden fears he would inherit recession from Trump

Joe Biden is broaching the ‘R’ word: recession.

Sardines vs. Salvini: Italians packing the piazzas in protest against far-right politics

Demonstrators’ chief complaint is that Matteo Salvini of the Northern League is fostering a climate of hate in the country.

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